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Software & Services

Software we host

eezycloud hosts these titles today, and we're constantly adding titles and software partners, so if you need something hosted you dont see, just ask and we'll make it happen. What's more, you can go to our Build Your Eezycloud page, order up  custom desktops for your whole team, and we'll deliver  a fully deployed set of  team before your credit card is back in your wallet.

Custom Workspaces

Think of eezycloud as an office building. You define your space as you need it, and we do the maintenance and keep things tidy.  Some workspaces require more resources, others less; sometimes, you need a temp to do the repetitive work, and we can script a virtual assistant to perform scheduled and input activated tasks, unattended, error-free.

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  • Managed website Hosting $88

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Marketing Services 

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  • Managed website Hosting $88

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