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UPDATE–SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: June 2, 2023 (10 PM) FIXED- Errors sending Gmail GSuite through QuickBooks



June 2 2023 (10PM EDT):

FIXED: Errors sending Forms through QuickBooks via Gmail/GSuite

10PM: Intuit Critical Update applied. On preliminary testing, GMail accounts send form countent (i.e. invoices) from QuickBooks Enterprise 2023. If you continue to have difficulty, Please submit a ticket from the Support section of our Website:


2:PM:Earlier today, eezycloud started getting reports from users that emails sent from Quickbooks via GMail/GSuite were prompting the error above. We were able to replicate the error. Further testing showed that other email services work properly: Outlook 365, SMTP both work perfectly. However, when we applied the SMTP settings for Gmail, the accounts were similarly blocked.

While there isnt anything yet from Intuit, other software providers are reporting that changes to Google’s spam filtering have caused them to write workarounds.While we determine the best course and/or wait for a patch, you may switch to QuickBooks mail:

Go to: File–>Preferences–>Send Forms; select QuickBooks mail, and follow the prompts to get back in and send mail.

When we have more information, we’ll post again. Thank you for your patience.

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